Award Categories

The IR Awards seek to endorse excellences in investor relations by Hong Kong listed companies. Different categories of Awards aim to recognize the achievement of companies in various aspects, as well as individual contributions to the advancement of a company's investor relations in the past year.


Award Categories Open for Nomination & Voting

  • Best IR Company
  • Best IR by Chairman/CEO
  • Best IR by CFO
  • Best IRO (Investor Relations Officer)
  • Best IR Team
  • Best Investor Meeting
  • Best ESG (E)
  • Best ESG (S)
  • Best ESG (G)
  • Best Investor Presentation Material
  • Best Annual Report
  • Best IR Company for an IPO


Awards Selected by the Judging Panel

  • Grand ESG Award
  • Most Progress in IR
  • IR Dedicated Company
  • Overall Best IR Company (in large, mid, and small cap)

The Judging Panel will choose an outstanding company that demonstrates excellence in all 3 areas of ESG (ie. Environmental, Social and Governance efforts) as the winner of Grand ESG Award and select outstanding companies as winners of the Most Progress in IR among all company sizes; and also the grand prize winner for the Overall Best IR Company Awards in each of the market capitalization category i.e. Large Cap, Mid Cap, and Small Cap.

Certificate of Excellence will be granted to all eligible nominated companies.

The decision of the HKIRA and Judging Panel will be final. In case there are no nominations of sufficient merit, the organizer reserves the right to withhold some awards.


3 Years IR Awards Winning Company

The companies awarded in IR Awards for any 3 years will receive the "3 Years IR Awards Winning Company". Those received this award the previous year will not be awarded this year.


5 Years IR Awards Winning Company

The companies awarded in IR Awards for any 5 years will receive the "5 Years IR Awards Winning Company". Those received this award the previous year will not be awarded this year.