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Web Site Banner Booking

Your information has been sent to the company. Thank you for your interest!

Customer Information

Contact Person:


Payment instruction
Please make cheque payable to the order of "Hong Kong Investor Relations Association Limited."


By signing below, we accept the charges on items ordered on this form and agree to the Web Site Banner Advertising Policies and Principles herein.



Home Page - Static Web banner (non-exclusive)
$5,000 / quarter
Non-home page - Static Web banner (non-exclusive)
$3,000 / quarter
Email to members - Static banner ads (non-exclusive)
$1,000 / Email
Banner production
$1,000 / banner

Web Site Banner Advertising Policies and Principles

  1. ADVERTISING. The Customer shall purchase the advertising as marked on the Web Site Banner Booking Form at the stated rate.
  2. POSITIONING. Except as otherwise expressly provided in the Web Site Banner Booking Form, positioning of advertisements on is at the sole discretion of Hong Kong Investor Relations Association ("HKIRA").
  3. ACCEPTANCE OF ADVERTISEMENTS. HKIRA may, at its sole discretion, accept or reject any content and design of the banner advertisements.
  4. CANCELLATION. Once subscription is confirmed by the Company, the Banner may not be changed and the subscription fee will not be refunded.
  5. INDEMNIFICATION. Customer agrees to defend, hold harmless and will indemnify HKIRA from all damages, costs, and expenses, of any nature whatsoever, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees, for which HKIRA may become liable by reason of its publication of the Customer's online advertising.
  6. COPYRIGHT. All advertising, which represents the creative effort of HKIRA and/or the utilization of creativity, illustrations, labor, composition, or material furnished by it, is and remains the property of HKIRA, including all rights of copyright therein. Customer understands and agrees that it cannot authorize reproductions, in whole or in part, of any such advertising.
  7. PAYMENT. The Customer shall make payment before the banner advertising begins.
  8. REJECTION OF ADVERTISEMENT. HKIRA reserves the right not to run any advertisement that is received and that is not in accordance with HKIRA's policies. In addition, HKIRA reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement, order or reservation at any time and to reject any URL link embodied within any advertisement.
  9. LIMITATION ON LIABILITY. The Customer assumes all liability for content of advertising, and agrees to hold harmless, and will indemnify HKIRA from all claims, losses, judgments, and damages arising there from. Liability for typographical errors, wrong insertions, late publications, and/or non‐publication, non‐performance due to Acts of God, as well as all other matters Customer might raise relevant to this Web Site Banner Booking Form, is limited to the amount charged to the Customer by HKIRA for the applicable banner advertisement. THIS LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IS A CONDITION FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF ANY ADVERTISING BY HKIRA. IN NO EVENT SHALL HKIRA BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER OR TO ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST PROFITS OR UNREALIZED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, ARISING OUT OF THIS BANNER ADVERTISING OR THE PUBLICATION OF OR FAILURE TO PUBLISH ANY ADVERTISEMENT, WHETHER OR NOT HKIRA WAS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
  10. By signing below I certify that I am the authorized representative of the Customer, and have read and agree with this Web Site Banner Advertising Principles and Policies.
Customer's Authorized Signature:
Date: 25 Apr 2024
Verification Code: