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Supporting Events

Hong Kong Sustainable Development Innovation & Technology Summit 2023
Cum Awards Ceremony

21 October 2023 (Saturday)
Organizer: WISDP
Venue: Charles K Kao Auditorium, Hong Kong Science Park
Date: 21 Oct, 2023
Outline: The 2023 Hong Kong Sustainable Development Innovation and Technology Award is organised by the World Institute of Sustainable Development Planners, and supported by the Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development and the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency. It is also funded by the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) and sponsored by Arte Moda International Enterprises. The Award aims to reward organisations and talents in various industries to promote the integration of sustainable development values into the research, development, planning and applications of innovative technologies in their respective industries. There are over 45 awards for organisations and individuals across 9 industries. The awards actively encourage and call on organisations and talents from different industries to demonstrate the application of innovation and technology in promoting sustainable development.
Keynote Speaker: Mr Wong Chuen Fai, JP
Commissioner For Climate Change, Environment And Ecology Bureau

Mr Daniel Fung, SBS, SC, JP
Vice President of Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council

Dr Denis Yip
CEO, Hong Kong Applied Science And Technology Research Institute (Astri)
Language: English
Enquiry: / 3480 2012

