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News & Views

10th IR Awards Congratulatory Advertisement on HKET

4 Jul 2024 (Thu)


10th IR Awards Congratulatory Advertisement on Singtao

4 Jul 2024 (Thu)


Press release: HKIRA Announces Winners of the 10th IR Awards 2024 ENG/CHI

4 Jul 2024 (Thu)


HSUHK ESG Centre Officially Launched the ESG Stakeholder Survey Report

29 April 2024 (Mon)


Press release: HKIRA 10th IR Awards 2024 Now Open for Nomination ENG/CHI

21 Feb 2024 (Wed)


Press release: HKIRA 15th Anniversary Summit cum Cocktail Celebration ENG/CHI

18 Dec 2023 (Mon)


9th IR Awards Congratulatory Advertisement on iMoney

29 June 2023 (Thu)


9th IR Awards Congratulatory Advertisement on HKET

29 June 2023 (Thu)


9th IR Awards Congratulatory Advertisement on Singtao

29 June 2023 (Thu)


投資者關係協會指雙櫃台長遠有助推進人民幣國際化 料交投將趨活躍

29 June 2023 (Thu)


Press release: Hong Kong Investor Relations Association Announces Winners of the 9th IR Awards 2023 ENG/CHI

28 Jun 2023 (Wed)


HKIRA Online News

21 Mar 2023 (Tue)


Press release: HKIRA 9th IR Awards 2023 Now Open for Nomination ENG/CHI

7 Feb 2023 (Tue)


明報: ESG 營運模式席捲全球 專家稱中小企不作為恐蝕章

14 Apr 2022 (Thu)


Press release: HKIRA 8th IR Awards 2022 Now Open for Nomination ENG/CHI

12 Apr 2022 (Tue)


經濟一週 : [ESG投資|香港投資者關係協會 ESG投資新角度 ]

5 Jan 2022 (Wed)


2021 7th IR Awards Congratulatory Advertisement on iMoney

18 Sep 2021 (Sat)


7th IR Awards Congratulatory Advertisement on HKET

18 Sep 2021 (Sat)


Press release: HKIRA Announces Winners of 7th IR Awards 2021 ENG/CHI

14 Sep 2021 (Tue)


Press release: HKIRA 7th IR Awards 2021 Now Open for Nomination ENG/CHI

7 Apr 2021 (Wed)


[Press Release] HKIRA's first virtual IR Annual Symposium concludes with positive response
[新聞稿] 香港投資者關係協會首個線上投資者關係年度座談會圓滿舉行

11 Jan 2021 (Mon)


Press release: The publication of Investor Relations Practice Post COVID-19

9 Nov 2020 (Mon)


The Best Corporate Governance Awards at 20: Setting bold goals

30 Oct 2020 (Fri)


Press release: HKIRA Announces Winners of 6th IR Awards 2020 ENG/CHI

24 Sep 2020 (Thu)


Press release 6th HKIRA IR Awards 2020

4 Feb 2020 (Tue)


星島財經 - 公司與基金宜多溝通降「空軍」狙擊風險

2 Dec 2019 (Mon)


Press Release on HKIRA x ONC Lawyers Conference on Oct 25 ENG/CHI

4 Oct 2019 (Fri)


香港經濟日報 - IR工作優劣左右投資者信心: 須堅守專業性 引領市場正確評價

16 Apr 2019 (Tue)


明報財經: 【香港投資者關係協會:與投資者關係成熟 助股價反映價值】

8 Feb 2019 (Fri)


[Press Release] Strengthening Investor Engagement and Continuing Investor Communications Reviewing the Past Decade and Looking into the Future
[新聞稿] 加強投資者互動 與投資者持續交流 回顧十年 展望未來 香港投資者關係協會十週年峰會暨晚宴完美落幕

10 Dec 2018 (Mon)


香港投資者關係協會10周年峰會及晚宴特刊 - 業者翹楚聚首 推動持續發展

7 Dec 2018 (Fri)


TVB 《職場制勝》 - 投資者關係 IR ("Success in Career" - Investor Relations)

13 Jul 2018 (Fri)


Book Launch of "Investor Relations Best Practice Guide"

11 Dec 2017 (Mon)


Shareholder Activism Case Studies from Europe and America Inspired Over 230 Audiences in HKIRA Conference

13 Nov 2017 (Mon)


Views on Shareholder Activism in Hong Kong

29 Oct 2017 (Sun)

HKIRA & ONC Lawyers shared on recent landscape and views on shareholder activism in Hong Kong.

[Source: Metro Finance (Radio FM104)]


Opportunities to build IR in the gateway to China

13 Oct 2016 (Thu)

Hong Kong is the world’s hot-spot for IPO listings – however IR is still a young profession, as Eva Chan explains.

[Source: IR Society Informed 92 – Autumn 2016]


The Secret to a Great IR Program

26 July 2016 (Tue)

What makes a successful investor relations program? Bloomberg sat down with some of the winners at the 2016 HKIRA 2nd IR Awards to learn how they engage both the buy-side and sell-side communities.

[Source: Bloomberg and HKIRA]


Hong Kong Strategy for Financial Literacy Ambassadors raise awareness of the importance of financial literacy in Hong Kong.

15 December 2015 (Tue)

The Investor Education Centre (IEC) released a coherent financial literacy strategy for Hong Kong on 27 November 2015. The Hong Kong Strategy for Financial Literacy (HKSFL) sets out for the first time a clear direction for financial literacy and provides a practical framework for actions across the government, finance, education and community sectors. HKIRA is glad to be one of the supporting organization of HKSFL.

11 ambassadors comprising community leaders and local heroes have shared their views towards managing their money, challenges facing in Hong Kong and the actions required to help improve the financial well-being of the population.

[Source: Hong Kong Strategy for Financial Literacy]


Creating an Award-Winning IR Program

23 November 2015 (Mon)

HKIRA has collaborated with Bloomberg on a white paper featuring the IR best practices of award-winning professionals of the listed companies on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. In this white paper themed "Creating An Award-Winning IR Program", five of the HKIRA 1st IR Awards winners outline their exemplary approach to IR.

[Source: Bloomberg and HKIRA]


Listed companies learn more about Mainland IR
上市公司可抓住沪港通机遇 与内地投资者加强联系

28 October 2015 (Wed)

[Source: The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited]


面朝内地 香港热议港股通时代投资者关系策略

27 October 2015 (Tue)



The Value of Good Communication

6 August 2015 (Thu)

Investor relations is a relatively young profession in Hong Kong, but this month's In Profile candidate is a Chartered Secretary who has played a major role in building the profession over the last decade. This month, CSj talks to Dr Eva Chan FCIS FCS(PE), Council Member of the HKICS, Head of Investor Relations at C C Land Holdings Ltd and Founding Chairman of the Hong Kong Investor Relations Association.

[Source: Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries]


Adding Color

July 2015

Ms. Claudia Lo, Divisional Vice President of Investor Relations and Corporate Communications of Coach, talks about how she gets the right message across with her communications and IR skills as a CPA.

[Source: Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants]


香港經濟日報 - 投資者關係渴才 晉升機會多

15 Apr 2015 (Wed)